Dhyana Yogah - When the controlled mind rests in the self alone, free from all desires, then one is said to be steadfast in yoga.
यदा विनियतं चित्तमात्मन्येवावतिष्ठते |
नि:स्पृह: सर्वकामेभ्यो युक्त इत्युच्यते तदा ||18||

When the controlled mind rests in the self alone, free from all desires, then one is said to be steadfast in yoga.

  • Niṣprīhaḥ: Free from desire.
  • Yukta: Steady or engaged.

This verse explains the state of yoga as one where the mind is steady and desires are absent. It shifts the focus from external actions to internal absorption, showcasing the essence of self-realization.

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