Dhyana Yogah - This should be known as the yoga of disconnection from suffering. It must be practiced with determination and a firm, unwavering mind.
तं विद्याद् दु:खसंयोगवियोगं योगसञ्ज्ञितम् |
स निश्चयेन योक्तव्यो योगोऽनिर्विण्णचेतसा ||23||

This should be known as the yoga of disconnection from suffering. It must be practiced with determination and a firm, unwavering mind.

  • Saṁyoga: Connection or union.
  • Vi-yoga: Disconnection or separation.

Krishna encourages determination in the practice of yoga, addressing the natural challenges one faces. This verse serves as a motivational reminder to persevere despite difficulties.

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