Karma Sannyasa Yogah - Renouncing all actions mentally, the self-controlled one dwells peacefully in the city of nine gates, neither acting nor causing to act.
सर्वकर्माणि मनसा संन्यस्यास्ते सुखं वशी |
नवद्वारे पुरे देही नैव कुर्वन्न कारयन् ||13||

Renouncing all actions mentally, the self-controlled one dwells peacefully in the city of nine gates, neither acting nor causing to act.

  • Nava-Dvare: The city of nine gates, referring to the human body.
  • Dehi: The embodied soul.

The "city of nine gates" metaphor represents the body, with the detached self residing within as an observer. This analogy encourages Arjuna to view himself as distinct from his physical actions, laying groundwork for liberation through detachment.

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