Visvarupa Darsana Yogah - Seeing Your fanged mouths resembling the fires of cosmic dissolution, I lose my sense of direction and find no peace. Be gracious, O Lord of the gods, O abode of the universe.
दंष्ट्राकरालानि च ते मुखानि दृष्ट्वैव कालानलसन्निभानि |
दिशो न जाने न लभे च शर्म प्रसीद देवेश जगन्निवास ||25||

Seeing Your fanged mouths resembling the fires of cosmic dissolution, I lose my sense of direction and find no peace. Be gracious, O Lord of the gods, O abode of the universe.

  • Damshtra-karalani: Terrible fangs.
  • Kaalanala: Fire of destruction.
  • Jagannivasa: Abode of the universe.

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