Karma Sannyasa Yogah - Liberation is near for those who are free from desire and anger, with mind and senses under control, who have realized the Self.
कामक्रोधवियुक्तानां यतीनां यतचेतसाम् |
अभितो ब्रह्मनिर्वाणं वर्तते विदितात्मनाम् ||26||

Liberation is near for those who are free from desire and anger, with mind and senses under control, who have realized the Self.

  • Yatacetasam: One with disciplined mind.
  • Abhito: On all sides or surrounding.

For the liberated, who are devoid of desire and anger, Brahman’s proximity is constant. Krishna hints at the stability achieved through spiritual practice, preparing Arjuna for the steadiness he must cultivate.

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