Karma Sannyasa Yogah - While speaking, giving, taking, opening and closing the eyes, the wise realize that the senses engage with sense objects, and they remain detached.
प्रलपन्विसृजन्गृह्ण्न्नुन्मिषन्निमिषन्नपि |
इन्द्रियाणीन्द्रियार्थेषु वर्तन्त इति धारयन् ||9||

While speaking, giving, taking, opening and closing the eyes, the wise realize that the senses engage with sense objects, and they remain detached.

  • Indriyani: Refers to senses of perception and action.
  • Dharayan: The process of sustaining or upholding.

The senses, Krishna notes, function independently when the self is detached, freeing the mind from possessiveness. This cultivates a clear vision where actions are neither owned nor avoided, resonating with the Gita’s ethos of selfless duty.

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