Visvarupa Darsana Yogah - As moths rush with great speed into a blazing fire to perish, even so, these creatures swiftly enter Your mouths to meet their doom.
यथा नदीनां बहवोऽम्बुवेगा: समुद्रमेवाभिमुखा द्रवन्ति |
तथा तवामी नरलोकवीरा विशन्ति वक्त्राण्यभिविज्वलन्ति ||28||

As moths rush with great speed into a blazing fire to perish, even so, these creatures swiftly enter Your mouths to meet their doom.

  • Samudram: Ocean or sea.
  • Abhimukha: Moving towards.
  • Dravanti: Flowing.

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