Visvarupa Darsana Yogah - Swallowing all the worlds on every side, You are seen devouring them with flaming mouths. Your effulgence fills the entire universe and burns it, O Vishnu.
यथा प्रदीप्तं ज्वलनं पतङ्गा विशन्ति नाशाय समृद्धवेगा: |
तथैव नाशाय विशन्ति लोका- स्तवापि वक्त्राणि समृद्धवेगा: ||29||

Swallowing all the worlds on every side, You are seen devouring them with flaming mouths. Your effulgence fills the entire universe and burns it, O Vishnu.

  • Patangah: Moths.
  • Jvalanam: Flame or fire.
  • Samriddha-vega: With great speed.

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